It is important to differentiate selleck members involved in the decision-making process from observers or invited experts. Observers or invited experts may contribute to the discussion and can help to provide background material or needed evidence,
but they should not be involved in the final decision making, regardless of whether they represent particular interests. The Chair and members of the Committee will play a critical role in ensuring the Committee’s continued standing as an internationally recognized leading body in the field of immunization and that it continues to observe the highest standards of impartiality, integrity and objectivity in its deliberations and that its recommendations are driven by available scientific evidence. Thus the Chair and members of the Committee should be chosen carefully and thoughtfully. Members, including the Chair, should be nominated and appointed formally
by senior level government officials through a well-defined process. Public calls for nominations and the establishment of an independent selection process may be envisioned for the purposes of transparency and credibility. Moreover, the Chair should be identified STI571 as a senior, widely respected and independent core member. Prior to being appointed it is important that members be asked to complete a declaration of
inhibitors interests with enough detail and specificity to identify what would constitute a potential conflict of interest. A conflict enough of interest involves a conflict between the public duty and private interests of a public official, in which the public official’s private capacity interests could improperly influence the performance of their official duties and responsibilities [24]. Conflicts of interest can be of a personal (e.g. owning shares in a vaccine manufacturing company, direct employment of the candidate or an immediate family member by a vaccine manufacturer, serving on a vaccine company board, or acceptance of honoraria or travel reimbursement by a vaccine manufacturer or its parent company) versus non-personal nature (e.g. research grant to an institution) and can be specifically or not related to the object of discussions and decisions to be taken by the group. It should then be determined by the Secretariat and the chairperson if the declared interests, which indicate actual or potential conflicts, would completely preclude the expert from serving on the committee or if they should just be reported and the member be excluded from decision making or even discussing specific issues at a given meeting. (e.g.