Table 1 summarizes the mean CFU of the Moreau-RJ sub-strain preparation, SD and coefficient of variation (CV) of individual ampoule estimates for each Libraries Laboratory and the type of solid culture media used. Two sets of data (6a and b) were provided from Laboratory 6 as two different
culture media were used for the viable count assay. Data from one ampoule within Laboratory 7 was excluded as an outlier using Grubbs’ test [12] and was not used in further analysis. Data obtained from Laboratory 3 was omitted from this study as only mean CFU estimates were provided, there was no information ABT-199 manufacturer on which solid media had been used and no optimal count ‘ω’ value for their cultural viable count assay was given. The distribution of mean CFU from all 10 ampoules of the BCG preparation performed by each participating laboratory is shown in Fig. 1. Ten data sets were received from the participants. Details of the modified ATP assay conditions used by participating laboratories in this study are listed in Table 2. Results from two ampoules within Laboratory 11 were excluded as outliers as they were greater than seven-fold higher than the mean result obtained for the other ampoules. Table 2 also shows the mean ATP content for the BCG Moreau-RJ preparation (ng/ampoule), SD and CV of the 10 individual ampoule estimates for each laboratory. The results from Laboratories 5, 7 and
11 were shown to be significantly different (higher) from those of the other participants by analysis of variance using Duncan’s multiple comparisons tests. Fig. 2 Anti-diabetic Compound Library shows the distribution of ATP content of the BCG preparation performed in participating laboratories, excluding two outliers from Laboratory 11. Thirteen participants returned mPCR results for the BCG Moreau-RJ preparation. A diluted (1:10) DNA extraction was recommended in the study protocol as sometimes the aminophylline mPCR reaction of neat DNA extracted from lyophilized BCG vaccine results in PCR products that are too intense to resolve clearly in gel electrophoresis. This was
not a problem in the present study. The five mPCR products from BCG Moreau-RJ sub-strain are expected as RD8 (472 bp), RD2 (315 bp), senX3-regX3 (276 bp), RD14 (252 bp), and RD1 (196 bp). Each participating laboratory successfully resolved all five mPCR products, presented in Fig. 3. The resolution of the gel image from Laboratory 14 was not as clear as the others. Ten participants had extracted and performed subsequent mPCR from two ampoules of the preparation. Laboratories 1 and 16 returned results from only one ampoule. Laboratory 2 had combined the contents of the ampoules prior to the extraction of the DNA. The mean CFUs in thermal stability study were 10.80 (SD 2.84), 9.90 (SD 0.96) or 3.67 (SD 0.82) million per ampoule when this lyophilized preparation was stored at −20 °C, 4 °C or 37 °C, respectively.