Thus, even though the cross-sectional area for the surveyed sampl

Thus, even though the cross-sectional area for the surveyed sample transect in this reach has changed by 1353 m2, the overall

change in channel capacity is only 2.5%. General channel morphology, as shown in Fig. 5B, remains stable and all pre-dam islands in this reach are submerged under several meters of water. The river has experience the most erosion near the dam (Dam Proximal which diminishes downstream through the Dam-Attenuating reach (Fig. 7 and Fig. 8, Appendix A, Table 1). Upon reaching the River-Dominated Interaction reach the cross sectional area is stabilizes and begins to be depositional in the Reservoir-Dominated Interaction reach. Deposition occurs in the reservoir reach but due to increased water level and area this deposition has had little effect on the channel morphology (Fig. 4 and Fig. 8). Banks experienced erosion in the upper section of the Garrison Dam MEK phosphorylation Segment which decreases downstream eventually becoming stable or depositional

(Table 1). Longitudinal island trends post-dam show a similar pattern of erosion near the dam and deposition near the reservoir but with significantly different transitional locations relative DZNeP supplier to cross sectional area and banks. The islands immediately downstream of the Garrison Dam in the Dam Proximal reach have eroded away (Fig. 5A, Table 1). The surficial area and configuration of pre-dam islands are retained in the Dam-Attenuating reach of the river even as the river channel erodes in this section (Fig. 5B, Table 1). In the River-Dominated Interaction reach (Fig. 5C) the islands have grown substantially in area and the morphology of bank attached sand bars have changed, creating a distinct distributary stream (Fig. 6, Table 1). No pre-dam aerial photos were available for the Reservoir-Dominated Interaction reach or the Reservoir reach but the main channel is flooded and all historic islands are below current water level. All current islands in this stretch appear to be the

tops of flooded meander scrolls. Longitudinal patterns in bed sediment data indicate that grain size decreases with distance from the Garrison Dam (Table 2). The linear regression has a r2 of 0.32 with a p-value of 0.07 (Equation, Reverse Transcriptase inhibitor Inverse Krumbein Phi Scale = 0.0194 × River Miles-21.728). Temporally, the data suggest that individual cross-sections within each study reach are approaching a steady state (inset panels in Fig. 3 and Fig. 4). Erosion rates in the Dam Proximal and Dam-Attenuating reaches decrease exponentially. The Reservoir-Dominated Interaction reach and Reservoir are both depositional. Channel capacity in the Reservoir, however, is relatively small and the trend is decreasing. The general patterns for each reach are similar to the data at individual stations, but demonstrate greater variability through time (Fig. 7). The rate of change for the thalweg bed through time for the upper (Fig. 9A, Appendix B) and lower (Fig.

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