This outcome is in stark contrast to results obtained by previous studies of spatial attention,
in which both primary and secondary targets are enhanced at the expected side of the primary modality (Spence & Driver, 1996; Eimer, 1999). Our results can also not solely be explained by reorienting attention in time. Were that so, one should have observed that, for the early time point, the secondary and primary modalities would both be modulated in the same direction through temporal attention whilst, for the late time point, the secondary modality should not follow the temporal modulation of the primary modality but instead be faster if the late time point was not expected. Therefore, we conclude that our results seem to point towards generally different mechanisms of spatial and temporal attention, which seem to be supported by the various findings obtained in studies using such physiological recordings as ERPs and fMRI. This research was funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (PSI2010-15426), the Comissionat per a Universitats i Recerca del DIUE-Generalitat de Catalunya (SRG2009-092) and the European Research Council (StG-2010 263145) to S.S.F. Abbreviations ERP event-related potential IE inverse
efficiency RT reaction time SEM standard error of the mean “
“Selective attention mechanisms allow us to focus on information that is relevant to the current behavior and, equally important, ignore irrelevant information. An influential Atezolizumab price model proposes that oscillatory neural activity in the alpha band serves as an active functional inhibitory mechanism. Recent studies have shown that, in the same way that attention can be selectively oriented to bias sensory processing in favor of relevant stimuli in perceptual tasks, it is also possible to retrospectively orient attention to internal representations held in working memory.
Megestrol Acetate However, these studies have not explored the associated oscillatory phenomena. In the current study, we analysed the patterns of neural oscillatory activity recorded with magnetoencephalography while participants performed a change detection task, in which a spatial retro-cue was presented during the maintenance period, indicating which item or items were relevant for subsequent retrieval. Participants benefited from retro-cues in terms of accuracy and reaction time. Retro-cues also modulated oscillatory activity in the alpha and gamma frequency bands. We observed greater alpha activity in a ventral visual region ipsilateral to the attended hemifield, thus supporting its suppressive role, i.e. a functional disengagement of task-irrelevant regions.