(C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.”
“The fruit fly, Drosophila melanogaster, displays a scale-free behavior in foraging,
i.e., the dwell time on food exhibits a power law distribution. The scaling exponent is generally believed to be stable and the significance of the exponent itself with respect to the scale-free behavior remains elusive. We propose a model where by the scaling exponent of the scale-free behavior of an animal depends on the memory of the individual. The proposed model is based on the premise that animal behaviors are associated with internal states of the animal. The changes in the scaling exponent are derived by considering losing memory as increasing uncertainty, which is expressed in terms of information entropy of the internal states. Predicted model behaviors agree with experimental Selleck Ricolinostat results of foraging behavior in wild-type and learning/memory Drosophila mutants. The concept of changes in the scaling exponent due to the amount of memory provides a novel insight into the emergence of a scale-free behavior and the meaning of the Galunisertib cost scaling exponent. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.”
“Recent evidence using a modified Simon
task suggests that hand processing involves implicit coding of the spatial position of the hand relative to the side of the body to which it is attached from the viewer’s reference point. This effect, called the Sidedness effect, has been found to emerge only when at least the forearm is present (the forearm thus providing the spatial reference for representing the rest of body) and
it has been interpreted within the framework of the structural representation of the body. In this study we use the same modified Simon task to investigate whether hand processing involves the implicit access to a spatially and bio-mechanically organized structural Adenosine body representation. In a first experiment the hand stimuli were attached to a body inappropriately without respecting the bio-mechanical constraints and no Sidedness effect was found. in Experiment 2 where the hand stimuli were presented attached to a non-bodily shape the Sidedness effect was observed only when they were attached appropriately. Whilst previous research has involved explicit representational processes, our results suggest that we can implicit access to a ‘structural description of the body’ and elaborate the anatomical and bio-mechanical plausibility. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.”
“Glioblastoma is the most common and the most aggressive type of brain cancer. The median survival time from the time of diagnosis is approximately one year.