1-3 This growing awareness has led to a variety of different efforts that have begun to address concerns about trial design and methodology.4-6 These include an ongoing series of workshops sponsored by the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) and the New Clinical Drug Evaluation Unit (NCDEU).7 The NIMH has also hosted a series of consensus conferences over the last few years in an attempt to begin to focus attention on these concerns. Such conferences have investigated issues including placebo and placebo response and the development of new instruments for the assessment of mood and anxiety disorders. There has also been Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical a series of international meetings, including a symposium held in Rhodes, Greece
in 2000, which brought together international ABT-888 order experts in methodology with senior staff from the NIMH and the Food
and Drug Administration (FDA). The culmination of these concerted efforts was a consensus statement that was published in Neuropsychopharnwcology in 2002.8 Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical The Rhodes panel identified 4 critical problem areas: (i) the nature of the patient sample; (ii) the limitations of behavioral methods and analyses used for assessing Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical treatment-related improvement and recovery; (iii) the lack of consensus about standards for determining speed of onset and action for medications; and (iv) the failure to integrate advances into our knowledge about depression in antidepressant development with current clinical trial design. The topics requiring greater emphasis include concerns about the validity of our current diagnostic nosology, as well as questions about how diagnoses Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical are made. There are also questions about the best way to assess the severity of psychiatric syndromes. Our current standard is to use psychometric rating scales. However, many times these scales only reflect one dimension of a complex illness.
Another critical issue is the number, as well as the length, of the evaluations to be performed. A related issue of concern is the total length of time that is given to the evaluation of the active treatments. One of the major recurrent challenges Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical faced in medication development is ensuring that the trials are adequately powered in order to else differentiate relatively subtle differences. Very often power calculations are not based on empirical data, but rather reflect the aspirations of the trial design planners. Assumptions made about the sample for the study often end up greatly influencing the trial design. These assumptions are made in order to facilitate the use of relatively simple inferential statistical models. However, some of these assumptions reflect lack of thought about the psychiatric syndromes. One of the intrinsic assumptions made in the design of trials is that the sample being analyzed will be relatively homogeneous. We frequently attempt to control for age, ethnicity, length of illness, comorbid diagnosis, and comorbid medical factors.