, 1992). According to the total genomic sequence of P. chrysosporium, this fungus has six genes possibly coding GH family 10 proteins (Xyn10A-F), showing a maximum 92% identity of amino acid sequence. Although production of Xyn10A was not affected by the addition of xylan in the present study, production of Xyn10C was apparently increased by xylan, suggesting that this Ku-0059436 datasheet fungus produced xylanase isozymes differentially in response to different carbon sources. This fungus is known to have multiple genes coding GH family 7 cellulases, and they are secreted differentially in media containing different carbon sources
(Vanden Wymelenberg et al., 2009). Transcriptional analysis has also revealed that they are expressed differentially at the transcript level in response to various carbon sources (Broda et al., 1995; Vallim et al., 1998; Suzuki et al., 2010). Similar expression studies should be performed for GH family 10 genes to
clarify the role of each protein in the xylan-degrading system of this LDK378 clinical trial fungus. In CX culture, a putative glucuronoyl esterase belonging to CE family 15 (spot 9) was increased almost twofold compared with C culture. This protein has been postulated to hydrolyze ester linkages between the 4-O-methyl-d-glucuronic acid residue in xylan and the phenylpropane residue in lignin (Duranováet al., 2009). Moreover, the spot assigned to the redox enzyme CDH (spot 3) was also increased twofold by addition of xylan. CDH oxidizes cellobiose and cellooligosaccharides to corresponding δ-lactones. Although many researchers have proposed various physiological functions for CDH (Henriksson et al., 2000), the precise role of this enzyme in degradation of plant cell wall remains to be established. Several recent transcriptional analyses have indicated that CDH is involved in cellulose
metabolism (Li et al., 1996; Yoshida et al., 2004). Miconazole CDH may play a role in enhancing cellulase activity for cellulose degradation by relieving product inhibition (Igarashi et al., 1998). Dumonceaux et al. (2001) reported that a CDH-deficient mutant of the wood-rotting basidiomycete Trametes versicolor grows poorly not only on crystalline cellulose, but also on wood, implying that CDH may have role in invasion of the plant cell wall. Further transcriptional analysis of CDH under xylanolytic conditions will be necessary for a better understanding of its physiological function. In addition, many protein spots of GH family 61s were enhanced by addition of xylan (Fig. 4). Recently, Harris et al. (2010) have reported that the protein belonging to GH family 61 enhances the activity of cellulose hydrolysis in lignocellulose, but not in pure cellulose.