, 2006) While some CB hypolimnetic hypoxia is likely natural (De

, 2006). While some CB hypolimnetic hypoxia is likely natural (Delorme, 1982), human activities during the second half of the 20th century exacerbated the rate and extent of DO depletion (Bertram, 1993, Burns et al., 2005, Rosa and Burns, 1987 and Rucinski et al., 2010). P inputs stimulated algal production; with subsequent algal settlement and decomposition, DO depletion rates increased during the mid-1900s with corresponding hypoxic areas as large as 11,000 km2 (Beeton, 1963). Average hypolimnion DO concentrations in August–September for CB stations with an average depth greater than 20 m increased from less than 2 mg/l in 1987 to over 6 mg/l in 1996, followed by an abrupt decrease to below 3 mg/l

in 1998 with concentrations remaining low and Screening Library solubility dmso quite Idelalisib purchase variable through 2011, the most recent year for which data are available (Fig. 6). Zhou et al. (2013) used geostatistical kriging and Monte Carlo-based conditional realizations to quantify the areal extent of summer CB hypoxia for 1987 through 2007

and develop a probabilistic representation of hypoxia extent. While substantial intra-annual variability exists, hypoxic area was generally smallest during the mid-1990s, with larger extents during the late 1980s and the early 2000s (Fig. 7). The increase in hypolimnetic DO from the 1980s to mid-1990s and the subsequent decline during the late 1990s and 2000s (Fig. 6) are consistent with trends in the DO depletion rate. Based on a simple DO model, driven by a one-dimensional hydrodynamic model (Beletsky and Schwab, 2001 and Chen et al., 2002), Rucinski et al.(2010) demonstrated that the change in DO depletion rates reflected changes in TP loads, not climate, between 1987 and 2005. Similarly, ifenprodil Burns et al. (2005) showed that the depletion rate is related to the previous year’s annual TP load. Several ecological processes that are influenced by hypoxia have the potential

to negatively affect individual fish growth, survival, reproductive success and, ultimately, population growth (e.g., Breitburg, 2002, Coutant, 1985, Ludsin et al., 2009 and Wu, 2009). Rapid changes in oxygen concentrations may trap fish in hypoxic waters and lead to direct mortality. In fact, there is recent evidence of such events in nearshore Lake Erie, whereby wind-driven mass movement of hypoxic waters into nearshore zones appears to have led to localized fish mortalities (J. Casselman, Queen’s University personal communication). While such direct mortality due to low DO is possible, a more common immediate fish response to hypolimnetic hypoxia is avoidance of bottom waters. Such behavioral responses can lead to shifts away from preferred diets (e.g., Pihl, 1994 and Pihl et al., 1992), increased total metabolic costs and potential reproductive impacts by occupying warmer waters and undertaking long migrations (e.g., Craig and Crowder, 2005 and Taylor et al.

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