2B, panel II). In the presence of high salt (1.0 M NaCl), Fmp45p-GFP fluorescence greatly increased in the sur7Δ background and maintained the punctate pattern that is typical of Sur7p localization (Fig. 2B,
panel IV). Using Image J software analysis, we quantified the relative fluorescence intensity of all major points around a given cell. The median intensity of each cell with a wild-type (without and with salt) and sur7Δ null (without and with salt) background was 212, 279, 491, and 1040, respectively. These measurements are in agreement with visual observation of the images obtained (Fig. 2B). The co-localization of Fmp45p and Sur7p and the increase in fluorescence intensity of Fmp45p-GFP in the presence of 1 M NaCl together suggest that Fmp45p may play a role in tolerance of high salt in the absence of C. albicans Sur7p. The Candida Tanespimycin purchase albicans sur7Δ mutant is defective in STI571 tolerance to cell wall stress and antifungal agents targeting cell wall components Next we tested growth in the presence of sub-inhibitory concentrations of several different classes of antifungal agents at 30 and 37°C. No difference was seen in growth in the presence of amphotericin B or 5-fluorocytosine (data not shown). However, the C. albicans sur7Δ mutant was more susceptible to sub-inhibitory concentrations of caspofungin (CAS at 0.25 μg/ml; data not shown). We further investigated cell wall
integrity in the sur7Δ null mutant using a number of cell wall perturbing agents. Serial dilutions of each CH5183284 supplier strain were spotted onto YPD medium containing various concentrations of CAS, SDS, Congo Red, and Calcofluor White. In the absence of SUR7 the organism was highly sensitive to each compound tested (Fig. 3). Furthermore, a modest gene dosage Morin Hydrate effect was suggested, as the degree of sensitivity of the SUR7-complemented strain was intermediate between that of the wild-type and sur7Δ strains. When tested on the
same media, the heterozygous mutant strain (SMB2) exhibited the same degree of sensitivity to cell wall perturbing agents as the SUR7 complemented strain (data not shown). Figure 3 Cell wall defects of the sur7 Δ null mutant. Serial dilutions of overnight cultures were spotted onto different agar media and incubated for 2 days at 30°C. Strains are indicated in the top right diagram with an arrow signifying decreasing cell densities (1 × 107, 2 × 106, 4 × 105, 8 × 104 and cells ml-1) of the strains spotted onto each plate. Normal growth on YPD medium is shown in (A). YPD medium containing cell wall perturbing agents such as (B) 0.1 μg ml-1 caspofungin, (C) 0.02% SDS, (D) 200 μg/ml Congo Red, and (E) 50 μg ml-1 Calcofluor White are shown. Taken together, these initial studies on the sur7Δ mutant indicate an overall defect in cell wall structure, and consequent defects in the ability of the sur7Δ mutant to tolerate specific stresses related to cell wall function.