453 1.241–4.849 0.010 Age (years) 0.998 0.969–1.027 0.884 Smoking 0.725 0.343–1.531 0.399 Complications Dyslipidemia 1.201 0.599–2.410 0.605 Hypertension 0.813 0.432–1.529 0.520 Medical
VEGFR inhibitor history Congestive heart failure 0.544 0.275–1.077 0.081 Blood pressure Systolic (10 mmHg) 1.355 1.076–1.707 0.010 Diastolic (10 mmHg) 0.793 0.562–1.118 0.186 BMI (kg/m2) 1.156 1.063–1.257 0.001 eGFR (ml/min/1.73 m2) 0.990 0.960–1.020 0.509 Uric acid (mg/dl) 0.901 0.747–1.087 0.278 Urinary albumin (log mg/gCr) 1.034 0.669–1.599 0.880 A1C (%) 1.084 0.498–2.358 0.839 iPTH (pg/ml) 1.001 0.998–1.005 0.569 HDL chol (mg/dl) 1.002 0.985–1.019 0.806 Triglyceride (mg/dl) 1.000 0.997–1.003 0.904 Calcium (mg/dl) 0.845 0.447–1.600
0.606 Phosphorus (mg/dl) 1.197 0.763–1.877 0.434 Medication Antihypertensive GF120918 mw agent 4.213 0.542–32.756 0.169 OR odds ratio, CI confidence interval Discussion In the present cross-sectional study, we enrolled 2977 representative Japanese outpatients, most of whom had stage 3–5 CKD. These 2977 outpatients were being treated by nephrologists and were receiving a good standard of care. UCG was performed in 1185 of them. The UCG carried out was not intended to evaluate selected patients with cardiac complications, but was performed consecutively for evaluation of cardiac function in representative participants in the CKD-JAC study, if they provided informed consent. The prevalence of LVH in the present study
was much lower than that reported in previous studies in the general population. The participants in the CKD-JAC study may be better treated by nephrologists. Alternatively, cardiologists could treat more severe cases. The majority of the study subjects had hypertension and proteinuria or albuminuria on enrollment, but systolic and diastolic BP were normal (132/76 mmHg). More than 90 % of the subjects were being treated with antihypertensive agents (n = 1095, Fenbendazole 92.4 %), including ACE inhibitors (n = 302, 25.5 %) and/or ARBs (n = 901, 76.0 %). The prevalence rates of pre-existing CVD, i.e., congestive heart failure (5.7 %), myocardial infarction (6.8 %), and stroke (12.4 %), were higher than in the general Japanese population [18]. DM was present in 41.3 % of the study subjects, and more than one-third of enrolled subjects had CKD secondary to glomerulonephritis. The Fludarabine results of the present study provided information on the prevalence of LVH and factors associated with LVH in stage 3–5 CKD patients in the CKD-JAC study. In the CKD-JAC study, LVH was observed in a small population (21.7 %) of the 1185 study subjects, whereas LVMI tended to increase with the progression of CKD. CKD patients have a high prevalence of LVH, ranging from 34 to 74 % in different studies, and its prevalence increases as renal function declines [10, 12, 19, 20].