2). Restriction sites of DdeI (underlined solid line; nucleotide numbers 34–38, 84–88 and 170–174) and one of the two sites of DraI (underlined double line; nucleotide numbers 244–249) indicated that the corresponding sites did not span the position of critical residues (residues potentially important for plg activation) (Aneja et al., 2009) when the other DraI site (underlined double line; nucleotide numbers 129–134) is also in accordance with the synonymous (silent) changes. Therefore, results of PCR/RFLP presented different sk allelic variants (sk2, sk3 and sk5) but these Trametinib datasheet differences do not correlate with critical residues/changes on Plg activation properties
in the SK sequence. These final conclusions may further suggest the inadequacy of currently available PCR/RFLP methods to determine the precise relation between genotype (allelic variations) and phenotype (functional activities) of different SK genes. These imply the important
role of critical point mutations for this website differences in Plg activation potencies (Banerjee et al., 2004). Therefore, and as recently reported, direct nucleotide sequencing and phylogenic tree analyses of sk-V1 region may provide more accurate assumptions on genotype-based functional differences of SK genes (McArthur et al., 2008). In summary, results of this study indicated the absence of any association between sk allelic variants with Plg activation potency and pointed to the inadequacy of current available PCR/RFLP methods for differentiation of the critical/silent nucleotide
alterations to precisely categorize sk alleles for their functional properties. M.K. received a fellowship from the Health Flavopiridol (Alvocidib) Ministry to pursue this study in partial fulfilment of her PhD thesis. This study was financially supported by the Education Office of the Pasteur Institute of Iran. F.R. and M.M.A. contributed equally as corresponding authors to the study. The authors declare no conflict of interest regarding the present article. “
“Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) are widespread environmental pollutants of considerable risk to human health. The aerobic degradation of PAH via oxygenase reactions has been studied for several decades. In contrast, it was not until very recent that the first key enzyme involved in anaerobic PAH degradation, the dearomatizing 2-naphthoyl-CoA reductase, was isolated and characterized. In this work, a PCR-based functional assay was developed to detect microorganisms that have the ability to anaerobically degrade naphthalene, as a model for larger PAH. The degenerative oligonucleotide probes introduced here amplified a highly conserved region of the gene encoding 2-naphthoyl-CoA reductase (Ncr) in numerous sulfate-reducing pure cultures and environmental enrichments.