Again, there was no effect of experience. At the end of the experiment, we asked the clinicians to answer a questionnaire aimed at their impressions of the utility of the summaries in the clinical setting, especially compared to the traditional records.
Of the 21 clinicians, 19 completed the questionnaire. We asked three forced choice questions: • Did you find the summaries helpful? The responses are shown in Table 7, Table 8 and Table 9 respectively. We also asked them to answer the following questions in their own words: Can you envisage contexts where you would use the summaries? and What things didn’t you like about the summaries? Typical responses are shown Epacadostat supplier in Table 10 and Table 11 respectively: An overwhelming majority of the clinicians reported that the generated summaries were very useful for answering questions about the patients’ condition. They said that, given the opportunity, they would make near constant use of the summaries, mostly by starting with the summaries and then using the records to double check information that they KU-60019 order had located with the benefit of the summaries. Clinicians reported a wide range of situations where they would wish to use summaries of the type shown to them in the study. This covered most clinical situations, but the most prevalent examples were ones where important decisions
needed to be made in a short period of time, especially for unfamiliar patients (e.g., in Accident and Emergency (A&E) units, in outpatient clinics and for on-call doctors), for patients who were too confused or in too much pain to provide necessary information and for patients with very complex histories. Some clinicians also noted that the summaries would also help them carry out the more routine parts of their work – for example, they could be “cut and paste” into referral letters. Although the
participating enough clinicians found the summaries useful, the very fact that as summaries they are necessarily shorter, less detailed and incomplete means that they are not enough to rely on in general for making all clinical judgements. This is as expected. An infrastructure that would allow summaries to be accessible at any time was seen by many to be very important. One of the clinicians also said that the legibility of the summaries was an added bonus, providing medico-legal robustness. She explained that: “We’re often criticised on the legibility of written notes and the failure of clinicians to clearly mark the patient’s name, number and date of birth, plus the date and time seen on each medical incerpt, both because of coherence for anyone reading the notes but also, significantly, when litigation becomes involved. This, in turn, has potential financial implications for the hospital trust.