Each aliquot of the mixture of samples (weighed and extracted) in duplicate or PLX4032 order triplicate, were then randomly analyzed, by the HPAEC-PAD and by HPLC-UV–Vis (mean values are shown in Table 2). The standards and samples were injected randomly to avoid any tendency of systematic error in the data throughout the day. For the principal component analysis, the SPSS 18 software (Softonic, Spain) was used. Sodium hydroxide (50% solution; Fisher, USA and Isosol, Brazil) and hydrochloric acid (p.a. grade; F. MAIA, Brazil) were used as solvents for the mobile phase extraction and preparation steps. All water used for the preparation of standards and solutions was purified and filtered with a Milli-Q®
system (Millipore, Milford, MA, USA). The mobile phases were degassed with nitrogen prior to use (99.99973% purity cylinder from LINDE, Brazil, with 2nd-stage regulator from Inpagás). The standards used were: d(−)-mannitol, d(−)-arabinose, d(+)-galactose, d(+)-glucose, d(+)-xylose, d(+)-mannose, d(−)-fructose, all from Merck (Darmstadt, Germany).
Due to high hygroscopicity of carbohydrates, the standards were stored in a glass desiccator under vacuum over phosphorus pentoxide (Merck, Darmstadt, Germany) and utilized only after one week desiccation. For the preparation of the carbohydrate standard stock mix solution, 0.0030 g of mannitol, 0.0300 g of arabinose, 0.1200 g of galactose, 0.0450 g of glucose, 0.0120 g of xylose, 0.0900 g of mannose, and ABT-263 research buy 0.0450 g of fructose were weighed, added to a 100.0 mL volumetric flask and made up to the mark with ultrapure water. The solution was sonicated in an ultrasonic bath for 10 min (Garcia et al., 2009). The identification and quantification Cepharanthine of the carbohydrates
were performed on the basis of retention times of components eluted from the column, comparing them the retention times of the components with known concentrations of individual external standards, and by co-chromatography. For the carbohydrate quantification in the samples, a 10% (v/v) mix of analytical standards was injected into ultrapure water. This standard mix corresponded to the following concentrations in relation to 0.3000 g of sample: 0.10% (w/w) of mannitol, 1.00% (w/w) of arabinose, 4.00% (w/w) of galactose, 1.50% (w/w) of glucose, 0.40% (w/w) of xylose, 3.00% (w/w) of mannose, and 1.50% (w/w) of fructose. For the preparation of the carbohydrate standard stock mix solution, 0.0300 g of glucose, 0.0200 g of xylose, 0.1100 g of galactose, 0.0400 g of arabinose, and 0.0600 g of mannose were weighed, transferred to a 100.00 mL volumetric flask and made up to the mark with ultrapure water. The solution was sonicated in an ultrasonic bath for 5 min (Pauli et al., 2011). The standard was stored in a refrigerator at ∼4 °C. This stock solution was diluted to obtain a 25% (v/v) analytical standard, which was injected each quantification day.