For many E7080 in vivo such combinations, linearly predicted responses significantly differed from measured responses, particularly for contrast decrements (Figures 2G and 2H). Thus, the L2 RF is nonlinear in space. Responses to circles and annuli revealed that surround inputs affect not
only response strength but also its kinetics. We quantified these effects by comparing mean response values at different time points during stimulus presentation (Figures 3 and S3). For small circles, response amplitudes changed very little during stimulus presentation, while for large circles, significant decreases in amplitude were observed (Figures 3A–3D). As more inhibition was provided together with excitation, responses became more transient (Figures 3A, 3B, and S3A–S3D). As a result, the spatial RF shape effectively became sharper over time, particularly in responses to dark circles (Figures 3C, 3D, S3C, and S3D). In contrast, all hyperpolarizing responses decayed. Thus, it is possible
that a mechanism that makes hyperpolarizing responses to increments transient, such as extracellular potentials within the lamina cartridge (Weckström and Laughlin, 2010), does not act similarly on depolarizing responses to decrements. Accordingly, only depolarizations require surround inputs for transience. However, an imbalance in the relative strengths of increment versus decrement stimuli may this website also play a role in determining decay rates. A separable spatiotemporal RF is described by the multiplication of a temporal filter with a spatial filter (Shapley and Lennie, 1985). With such an RF, responses to circles of different sizes are predicted to vary in scale but not in kinetics. However, as we observed that decay rates increased Cell press with surround stimulation, the L2 RF must be spatiotemporally coupled. Interestingly, spatiotemporal coupling can also be observed in responses to annuli, particularly dark ones (Figures 3E–3H). Plotting the mean response values at different time points during the presentation of annuli of different sizes revealed that, at the edge of the
RF center, responses grew stronger over time instead of decaying (left box, Figure 3G). Thus, responses to dark annuli with internal radii of 4° or 6° were initially hyperpolarizing (blue curves in Figure 3G), and the extent of hyperpolarization increased during the response (red curves in Figure 3G). That is, surround responses next to dark edges were sustained, effectively enhancing their contrast. Interestingly, surround responses further away from dark edges, near similarly responding cells, were more transient (right box, Figure 3G). This suggests that L2 responses are shaped by inputs from neighboring columns regardless of whether these columns are directly stimulated by light or are responding to more lateral inputs.