Germination rate assessment at different moisture levels The conidial germination rates of M. anisopliae isolates were assessed on wheat bran substrates (5?×?108 conidia/g) with different moisture contents of 8%, 15%, 20%, 25%, 30%, and 35% at 24 h. The cultivated mixture was obtained from the top to bottom using a sample collector after 24 h of culture, and serially diluted with sterile water to count the find more conidia microscopically using a blood
S63845 count board. A conidium is considered to be germinated when its germ tube is equal to at least half of the long axis of the conidium [26]. The germination rate was calculated based on the summation of germinated and nongerminated conidia. At least 300 conidia were counted in the field of view. Efficacy of M. anisopliae isolates against T. molitor larvae at different moisture levels The eighth to ninth instar larvae
of T. molitor with similar sizes were used to test and evaluate the efficacy of different fungal isolates (Figure 1f). The efficacies of M. anisopliae isolates were determined at various moisture levels (8%, 15%, 20%, 25%, 30%, and 35%). T. molitor larvae were placed in glass jars containing the substrates with different moisture contents, which were inoculated with M. anisopliae (5?×?108 conidia/g) and Dorsomorphin chemical structure cultured at 25°C. The efficacy assay was based on the hosts’ mortality rate 15 d after inoculation. Five replicates were used for every treatment, with 20 larvae in a glass jar for each treatment. Cultures of T. molitor larvae in blank substrates (without M. anisopliae applied treatments) with the corresponding moisture contents were prepared as negative controls. The mortality data of T. molitor from the tested isolates at different moisture levels were corrected using Abbott’s formula [27], and transformed to arcsine square root values for ANOVA using SPSS software (SPSS version 17.0). Duncan’s Phosphatidylinositol diacylglycerol-lyase new multiple range test was used to determine and compare
the means. Differences were considered statistically significant at P < 0.05. Infection characteristics of MAX-2 under desiccation stress The infection processes of MAX-2 in dry and wet microhabitats were observed and compared. The substrate with low moisture content (8%) was used as the dry microhabitat, whereas the substrate with high moisture content (35%) was used as the wet microhabitat. The photographs of the disease symptoms were recorded using a Fujifilm FinePix S1770 camera. Acknowledgements This work was supported by the Surface Project of Applied Science Foundation in Yunnan Province (2011FB094), the fund of young and middle-aged academic and technical leaders for the first group in Baoshan (bszqnxshjsdtr2012-04), the fund of Baoshan science and technology plan project, and the grant from National Natural Science Foundation for Young Scholars (No.30900956). References 1.