Many clinicians

Many clinicians assume the task learn more without adequate preparation or orientation.29 An advanced notice of visit to a patient, time limitation, focused teaching, role modeling, explanation of all examinations and procedures to the patient are some approaches to raise patients’ comfort in bedside teaching. Strategy 3: Raise teachers’ comfort at the bedside through Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical a preparatory phase As the patients’ comfort is a vital consideration, teachers’ and learners’ comfort also are of a great importance. It is important to maintain a comfortable environment for

all participants. Avoid the teaching of topics that are less comfortable. One should feel as comfortable as possible in the role as bedside teacher. Preparation is a key element to conduct effective rounds and increase teachers’ Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical comfort at the bedside. For clinician-teachers who plan bedside rounds, especially if not familiar or not comfortable with the technique, a preparatory phase would be of invaluable help in raising their comfort level.30 They should be familiar with the clinical curriculum that is to be taught.31 They should also investigate the actual clinical skill levels of all the learners, improve their own history taking and clinical examination skills,

learn from expert clinicians, and use learning resources Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical on specific areas of clinical examination. Ongoing faculty development Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical programs could be an adjunct to raise bedside teachers’ comfort.32 Bedside teaching is successful when people involved in the activity namely, the teacher, patients and learner feel better afterwards.16 Strategy 4: Make a focused-teaching

of what you want to achieve at the bedside for each encounter Bedside teaching requires specific skills and techniques, which help make it more efficient.8 It needs to be decided what particular system is to be taught at the bedside. For example it has to be decided what specific Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical aspects of bedside teaching including history taking, physical examination, patient counseling, breaking bad news are going to be emphasized. A planned activity is required mafosfamide to keep everyone engaged and involved in the teaching and learning. Those patients, who would be good for bedside teaching, should be selected preferably using the learners’ input. It needs to be decided how much time is to be allocated to a given patient. Bedside is a place for positive learning, and not a place for pointed questioning or criticism of learners. Bedside teacher must use the skills and attitudes that come naturally most often, and should gradually hone and add new skills with repeated visits to the bedside. They should make a focused-teaching of what they want to achieve at the bedside for each encounter.

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