Netrins are locally released by the axon terminals of lamina neurons L3 and, instead of forming a gradient, are captured by Fra-expressing target neuron branches in layer M3. Localized Netrins act at short range and are instructive for layer-specific targeting. Our findings provide evidence that localized chemoattractant guidance molecules released not by the synaptic partners but by intermediate target neurons can coordinate layer-specific targeting of axons by providing distinct positional information. To gain insights into the role of the Fra guidance receptor in Rucaparib order adult visual circuit assembly, we examined its expression in the retina and optic lobe. In the retina
(Figures 1C–1F′), colabeling with capricious-Gal4 (caps-Gal4) ( Shinza-Kameda et al., 2006) driving membrane-bound green fluorescent
protein (GFP) expression revealed that at 24 hr after puparium formation (APF), Fra protein is expressed in R8 cells along their cell bodies, and at 42 and 55 hr in their rhabdomeres, the membrane-rich organelles required for phototransduction in adults. Fra was also transiently detected in rhabdomeres Apoptosis Compound Library of R1–R6 cells at 42 hr. In the optic lobe ( Figures 1G–1J′), Fra protein initially accumulates at the distal medulla neuropil border, where R8 axons temporarily pause before proceeding to their final layer M3 during the second half of pupal development. Specific knockdown of fra in the target area by expressing a UAS RNA interference (RNAi) transgene (UAS-fraIR) using the FLPout approach ( Ito et al.,
1997) in conjunction with the transgenes ey-FLP ( Newsome et al., 2000), ey3.5-Gal80 ( Chotard et al., 2005), and longGMR-Gal80 PDK4 (lGMR, kindly provided by C. Desplan) ( Wernet et al., 2003) indicated that this expression can be attributed to R8 growth cones ( Figures 1K–1L′). At 42 and 55 hr, Fra protein is enriched in the emerging and final M3 layer ( Figures 1H–1I′). Expression persists at lower levels in adults ( Figures 1J and 1J′). Moreover, Fra is strongly expressed in R1–R6 axons in the lamina at 42 hr, when their growth cones leave their original bundle and extend stereotypic projections to adjacent columns ( Figures 1H and 1H′). Additional expression was detected in glial cell subtypes in the lamina and medulla. However, within the medulla neuropil, Fra expression is associated with neurons because glial-specific knockdown using reversed polarity (repo)-Gal4 ( Sepp and Auld, 2003) did not alter the expression pattern ( Figures 1M and 1M′). Knockdown of fra specifically in the eye using the FLPout approach in conjunction with the ey3.5-FLP transgene ( Bazigou et al., 2007) further confirmed that Fra protein is associated with target neuron processes (see Figure S1 available online). Thus, Fra is expressed by R8 axons and in neurites of target neuron subtypes extending into the M3 layer. To assess the function of fra in controlling R cell axon targeting, we used the ey3.