Our technique is suitable to reduce the excessively-long components of the LLC while reshaping the tip appropriately. Conflict of Interest: None declared
Dear Editor, Atherosclerotic coronary artery disease (CAD) affects both
men and women and accounts for approximately >4.5 million deaths annually in the developing countries.1 Atherogenic lipoproteins namely, low density lipoprotein (LDL) and lipoprotein remanants promote atherosclerosis, and high density lipoprotein (HDL) prevents it. However, in some instances increased plasma HDL concentrations can result from reduced catabolism due to blockade in the dynamic flow of HDL lipids from peripheral tissues to the liver. In such a scenario, measuring Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical HDL concentration alone may not be accurate in assessing the cardio vascular risk. With literature review, Framingham study (HDL concentrations predicting cardiovascular risk) reveals that 40% of coronary events occurred in subjects with normal HDL levels.2 This has fueled our search in which measuring HDL Quality, rather than Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical Quantity, would help in a better prediction of
atherosclerotic Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical coronary artery disease. High density lipoprotein is believed to have two important functions affecting the occurrence of atherosclerosis. One function is called reverse cholesterol transport, which may be conceptualized in terms of cholesterol efflux from the arterial macrophages. The lipid deposited at the site of atherosclerotic Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical lesions are removed and transported to the liver or other cholesterol metabolizing tissues for catabolism. This involves specific transporters like ABC transporter A1 (ABCA1) and ABCG1.3 The other function of HDL is antioxidant/anti inflammatory property. Apo A1 is important in determining the antioxidant role of HDL by protecting against oxidation of LDL. The presence of antioxidant enzymes Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical on HDL such as paraoxonase and acetyl hydrolase platelet activating factor were found to prevent the formation of oxidized LDL. It has been suggested that HDL has evolved as part of the innate immune system. High density lipoprotein also stimulates endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS), diminish endothelial
dysfunction, and thereby retard the process of atherosclerosis.4 In addition, HDL stimulates glucose uptake and fatty Dichloromethane dehalogenase acid oxidation, decrease insulin resistance, and increase the insulin secretion by the pancreas. Dodani and colleagues have reported that 70% of south Asian immigrants with subclinical CAD has dysfunctional HDL compared to controls.5 Cell based assay which require endothelial cells, smooth muscle cells and monocytes were originally used for the measurement of dysfunctional HDL. Recently, cell-free assay, which is a rapid diagnostic test for the detection of dysfunctional HDL has been GDC973 developed. The test measures the ability of HDL in preventing the formation of oxidized phospholipids. The HDL inflammatory index can be calculated by normalizing the cell-free assay values.