Participants used their individual football shoes, which they would use on both AT and NT. The data collection was performed on two neighbouring pitches: the natural surface pitch (NT) was a natural grass pitch approved for national competition, and the AT pitch was a 2-star FIFA approved 3G AT pitch. As this was an outdoor testing, each participant underwent
data collection for both surfaces in one session to keep the influence of weather and temperature change at a minimum. selleck chemicals A testing session consisted of an individual warm-up, habituation phase and data collection on surface. A followed by data collection on surface B, whereas the order of the surfaces (NT, AT) was randomized. The habituation phase consisted of 5–10 cutting trials to familiarise the participants with the movement and the predetermined approaching
speed of 4–5 m/s.17 The movement contained an acceleration phase of maximum 8 m before cutting with a change of direction in a 30° or 60° angle, followed by a 5-m acceleration phase before decelerating and finishing the manoeuvre. The angle of the cut was predetermined and visually displayed by cones, but as the cutting direction (to the right or left side) was desired to be unanticipated, the participants received the direction of the cut in the acceleration phase by light signals in a randomised order. The data collection consisted of eight unanticipated cuts at 30° Pifithrin-�� manufacturer and 60° angle on each surface, leading to four cuts to the left and right side for each cutting angle and surface. A trial was declared successful when the predetermined speed and cutting point was hit. Kinematic data were collected by an outdoor 3D motion capture analysis system (CodaSport CXS System; Charnwood Dynamics Ltd., Rothley, Leicestershire,
UK) which collected data of active markers by two scanners with a sampling frequency of 200 Hz. Thirty active markers were placed on anatomical landmarks Megestrol Acetate of the left lower limb and pelvis according to the Cleveland Clinic Lower Body Markerset (Motion Analysis Corp, Santa Rosa, CA, USA) to calculate knee and ankle joint angles in the sagittal, frontal, and transverse planes. Scanners were positioned to detect each marker by at least one scanner throughout the entire contact phase of the cutting movement. Approach velocity was determined via two pairs of infrared velocity timing gates (SMARTSPEED, Fusion Sport International, Coopers Plains, Australia), placed at the fifth meter before the cutting point (Fig. 1). Processed (labelled and gap filled) trajectory data were inserted in Visual 3D software (V3D, C-motion, Rockville, MD, USA) for further analysis. The trajectory data were filtered using a 4th order Butterworth filter implemented in the V3D software with 20 Hz. Stance phase was defined as the period from initial contact of the foot to toe off.