The definition of the main sedimentary facies in the cores (indic

The definition of the main sedimentary facies in the cores (indicated with different colors in Fig. 2) is useful for interpreting the acoustic profile, identifying the sedimentary features, as well as allowing a comparison with similar environments. Most of the alluvial facies

A are located below the caranto paleosol and belong to the Pleicestocene continental succession. The sediments of the facies Ac in cores SG28 e SG27 are more recent and correspond to the unit H2a (delta plain and adjacent alluvial and lagoonal deposits) of the Holocene succession defined by Zecchin et al. (2009). In the southern Venice Lagoon they define also the unit H1 (transgressive back-barrier and shallow marine deposits) and the unit H2b (prograding delta front/prodelta, shoreface and beach Cisplatin ridge deposits). In the study area, however, the units H1 and H2b are not present: the lagoonal facies L (i.e. the unit H3 of tidal channels and modern lagoon deposit in Zecchin et al.

(2009)) overlies the H2a. A similar succession of seismic units is also found in the Languedocian lagoonal environment in the Gulf of Lions (unit U1 – Ante-Holocene Doxorubicin concentration deposits and units U3F and U3L, filling channel deposits and lagoonal deposits, respectively) in Raynal et al. (2010), showing similar lagoon environmental behavior related to the sea-level rise during the Flandrian marine transgression ( Storms et al., 2008 and Antonioli et al., 2009). The micropalaeontological analyses

( Albani et al., 2007) further characterize the facies L in different environments: salt-marsh facies Lsm, mudflat facies Lm, Thymidylate synthase tidal channel laminated facies Lcl and tidal channel sandy facies Lcs. As described by Madricardo et al. (2012), the correlation of the sedimentary and acoustic facies identifies the main sedimentary features of the area (shown in vertical section in Fig. 2 and in 2D map in Fig. 3). With this correlation and the 14C ages we could: (a) indicate when the lagoon formed in the area and map the marine-lagoon transition (caranto); (b) reconstruct the evolution of an ancient salt marsh and (c) reconstruct the evolution of three palaeochannels (CL1, CL2 and CL3). The core SG26 (black vertical line in Fig. 2a) intersects two almost horizontal high amplitude reflectors (1) and (2), interpreted as palaeosurfaces (Fig. 2a). A clear transition from the weathered alluvial facies Aa to the lagoonal salt marsh facies Lsm (in blue and violet respectively) in SG26 suggests that the palaeosurface (1) represents the upper limit of the Pleistocene alluvial plain (caranto). The 14C dating of plant remains at 2.44 m below mean sea level (m.s.l.

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