The instruments used to code communication factors included: audiotapes
( Carter et al 1982, Fiscella et al 2004, Takayama and Yamazaki 2004), videotapes ( Harrigan et al 1985), real-time observation ( Perry 1975), and questionnaires ( Berrios-Rivera et al 2006, Garcia-Gonzalez et al 2009, Keating et al 2004, Keating et al 2002, Ommen et al 2008, Tarrant et al 2003, Thom 2001). The coders were patients in seven studies (Berrios- Rivera et al 2006, Garcia-Gonzalez et al 2009, Keating et al 2004, Keating et al 2002, Ommen et al 2008, Tarrant et al 2003, Thom 2001), and neutral observers in five studies ( Carter et al 1982, Fiscella et al 2004, Harrigan et al MLN0128 solubility dmso 1985, Perry 1975, Takayama and
Yamazaki 2004). Further details about study characteristics are summarised in Table 2. Therapeutic alliance constructs: The constructs of therapeutic alliance included in the analysis were trust ( Berrios-Rivera et al 2006, Fiscella et al 2004, Garcia-Gonzalez et al 2009, Keating et al 2004, Keating et al 2002, Ommen et al 2008, Thom 2001), agreement ( Carter et al 1982), communicative success ( Takayama and Yamazaki 2004), and rapport ( Harrigan et al 1985, Perry 1975). Measure of association used in each study varied considerably including correlation coefficients (Pearson, Spearman and Point-biserial), relative risks, odds ratio, and parameters from multivariate INCB28060 cost analysis (parameter estimates and r-square). For those communication factors with correlation r, the magnitude of association was reported in forest plots ( Figures 2 and 3). Pooling was possible for only two interaction styles ( Figure 2). All communication factors found, including measures of association and whether the factor was statistically significant (p < 0.05) or not, are described in Appendices 2, 3 and 4 (available on the eAddenda.) For rating constructs of therapeutic alliance, in the majority of included studies (n = 9) patients
rated the outcomes ( Berrios-Rivera et al 2006, Fiscella others et al 2004, Garcia-Gonzalez et al 2009, Harrigan et al 1985, Keating et al 2004, Keating et al 2002, Ommen et al 2008, Takayama and Yamazaki 2004, Tarrant et al 2003, Thom 2001), two studies used neutral observers ( Harrigan et al 1985, Perry 1975), and one study considered the concordance between patients and practitioner ratings ( Carter et al 1982). Further details about study characteristics are summarised in Table 2. Verbal factors: Seventeen verbal factors were included in this review. Of these, two were categorised as information gathering, seven were categorised as patient involving, one as patient facilitating, one as patient supporting, and six as patient education.