The phosphate buffer 0.1 M solutions of pH values between 4 and 8 were used for pH studies. The pH was measured using a commercial glass electrode and a pH-meter (model 9318, Hanna Instruments, Woonsocket, RL, USA) calibrated at the pH values of 4.00, 7.00 and PANI Film PreparationAniline was purified by distilled under vacuum with vigorous stirring to prevent bumping. A PANI dispersion was prepared as a nanofibre using the methods described by Huang and Kaner [29]. The purified aniline (3.2 mmol or 0.3 g) was mixed with 1.0 M HCl acid solution (10 mL). Ammonium peroxydisulfate (0.8 mmol or 0.18 g) was mixed into another aliquot (10 mL) of the acid solution. The aniline-acid solution was added to the oxidant and the two solutions were rapidly mixed for 30 s and then allowed to react undisturbed overnight.
The following day, the polyaniline was washed with water and centrifuged. After three washings, the supernatant liquor with a pH of 3.3 and was strongly green in colour, indicating the presence of PANI particles. Before casting, any remaining particles larger than 1 ��m were removed by passing the dispersion through a 55-mm glass fiber filter (Whatman GFA, Kent, UK) attached to a vacuum source. The PANI dispersion was cast directly on a polystyrene substrate. Then the thin film of PANI on the polystyrene sheet were left overnight in the dark to dry after which individual 10 mm2 sections were cut. The ready film was then stored at 4 ��C. The film thickness was determined by SEM images to be 0.7 ��m.
The film thickness was routinely determined for film samples to make sure that the thickness was always within in the same order of magnitude. The PANI film of similar thickness (0.7 ��m) was selected and used for further experiments for good reproducibility of the PANI film fabrication.2.3. Enzyme ImmobilizationThe procedure used is the same in all cases. The PANI film was conditioned Carfilzomib at pH 7.0 by immersion in pH 7.0 0.1 M phosphate buffer, then afterwards, an AOX solution of appropriate concentration (10 ��L) was deposited on the PANI film, and left to dry 30 min. The PANI film with immobilised AOX was then stored at 4 ��C for further use.2.4. Biosensor ConstructionThe PANI film with immobilized AOX was constructed as a visual biosensor in the form of a dip stick test as shown in Figure 1, where the AOX/PANI film was connec
Epilepsy is a chronic neurological disorder affecting more than 50 million people worldwide.
Epilepsy is characterized by sudden bursts of excessive electrical discharges in the brain [1]. Such abnormal firings, called seizures, often occur without warning and for no apparent reason. The unpredictable nature of seizure occurrences poses a challenge to the diagnosis of epilepsy, as well as causes a substantial burden to the physical, social and psychological states of a patient [2].