There has been extensive research into psychological treatment for several of the paraphilias, such as pedophilia, due to the severity of the consequences and the involvement of the justice system. These generally indicate that CBT programs are relatively effective treatment, though, since they are not 100% effective, there is a problem with recidivism.135-137 Few reports of psychological treatments
for SC are available. Following the addiction model, self-help groups similar Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical to A A are available, however, their efficacy has not been studied. Case reports suggest CBT may be effective.138 Autism spectrum disorders Individuals with autism spectrum Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical disorders (ASDs), including autistic disorder, pervasive developmental disorder, and Asperger’s disorder, have significant deficits and/or delays in language and communication, and in social functioning, and they exhibit significant repetitive behaviors and restricted interests. The diagnostic criteria for repetitive behaviors and restricted interests include ritualistic behaviors, such as counting, tapping, flicking, or repeatedly
restating Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical information, and compulsive behaviors, such as lining up objects, requiring a rigid adherence to routine, a marked resistance to change, and needing things to be “just so.” These features are described as obsessive and compulsive Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical features of the disorder,138 marking
its similarity to OCD and the OC spectrum disorders. The ASDs appear to be on the compulsive, harm-avoidant end of the compulsive-impulsive spectrum. The lifetime prevalence for all pervasive developmental disorders, excluding Asperger’s disorder, is 18.7/10 000 in studies done since 1989; the figure for the full syndrome of classical autistic disorder is 7.2/10 000.139 There is a large sex difference in these disorders with males being much more likely to be affected than are females. The sex ratio Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical is estimated at 3.1:1 overall for classical autism.139 Anxiety disorders have been studied in children with high functioning autism, such Histone demethylase as Asperger’s disorder, and results have shown that anxiety disorders, particularly OCD, are more prevalent in populations of these children compared with controls.140,141 The familial aggregation of psychiatric disorders in the relatives of autistic probands has also been studied. Bolton et al142 found the occurrence of OCD was significantly more Dinaciclib in vitro common in first-degree relatives of autistic probands (3%) compared with relatives of Down syndrome probands (0%). In addition, the authors found that family members with OCD were also more likely to exhibit autistic-like social and communication impairments.142 These researchers have also included OCDs as an indicator of ASD.