We restricted fMRI analysis to Hits because this has been convent

We restricted fMRI analysis to Hits because this has been conventional

in this field (as well as in ERP research), and has the advantage of controlling for other confounding differences between Hits and, say, Misses, for example in terms of a different “old/new” key press. It would be possible to estimate the mean BOLD response to all primed and all unprimed trials, regardless of R/K judgment type or of study status, which might identify brain regions whose activity correlates with the number of R/K judgments given (and hence be more comparable to the present behavioral measure of priming). The downside of this type of analysis however, as noted above, would be that any such differences between

primed and unprimed trials (or correlations across participants) could reflect trivial differences in the number of trials given a specific key press, rather than see more the number of trials associated with recollection versus familiarity per se, or with correct versus incorrect recognition memory. Roxadustat A second caveat concerns how we identified brain regions associated with recollection/familiarity. The appropriate comparison of experimental conditions actually depends on the hypothetical relationship between recollection and familiarity: Whether they are redundant, independent or exclusive (Knowlton and Squire, 1995; Mayes et al., 2007). By contrasting R Hits with K Hits to isolate

recollection, we have implicitly assumed that recollection is redundant with familiarity (i.e., that familiarity always co-occurs with recollection, so can be canceled by subtracting K Hits from R Hits). If however recollection and familiarity are mutually EGFR inhibitor exclusive, then any activations found for R Hits versus K Hits could reflect either increased activity associated with recollection, or decreased activity associated with familiarity. In this case, an arguably more appropriate contrast would be R Hits versus Correct Rejections to isolate recollection (and K Hits versus Correct Rejections to isolate familiarity). Or if recollection and familiarity are independent, then an appropriate test for recollection might be the conjunction of a difference between R Hits versus Correct Rejections, but no difference between K Hits and Correct Rejections (while the contrast for familiarity would be the conjunction of a difference between K Hits versus Correct Rejections, but no difference between R Hits and Correct Rejections). We have not explored these other alternatives here, since our aim was to isolate recollection (less so familiarity), and the fact remains that the parietal regions we found for our comparison of R Hits versus K Hits concur with many previous neuroimaging studies that have used other procedures (such as objective measures of source memory).

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