4 and 15.2 μmol/l) in surface and bottom waters, respectively. Sampling location was sloppy, muddy and was noticed with a wide diversity of marine life including flora, fauna and microbes. Table 1 Physico-chemical parameters of study SCH727965 area (Minnie Bay) Parameters Description Description Units Study area Minnie Bay Minnie Bay Latitude (N) 11° 38’ 42.8” N 11° 38’ 42.8” N DD MM SS Longitude (E) 92° 42’ 30.7” E 92° 42’ 30.7” E DD MM SS Year 2011 2011 YYYY Month May May Mon Zone Near shore Near shore
Source Surface Bottom Tide Low Tide Low Tide Atmospheric temperature 31.10 °C Water Quality Water temperature 31.0 30.4 °C pH 8.16 8.14 Salinity 31.64 31.73 PSU CO3 2- 15.60 10.8 (mg/l) HCO3 – 21.96 35.38 (mg/l) learn more Dissolved Oxygen 6.24 6.24 (mg/l) Biochemical Oxygen Demand 2.90 2.81 (mg/l) Suspended solid concentration 40.56 75.65 (mg/l) Nitrite 0.04
0.16 (μmol/l) Nitrate 0.75 0.72 (μmol/l) Ammonia 0.12 0.42 (μmol/l) Total Nitrogen 12.4 15.2 (μmol/l) Inorganic Phosphate 0.18 0.18 (μmol/l) Total Phosphorous 0.56 0.65 (μmol/l) Silicate 4.89 4.55 (μmol/l) Characterization of isolates Sediment samples were collected during low tide and a total of 26 actinobacteria were isolated using SCA medium with nalidixic acid prepared in aged seawater. All isolates were identified at generic level based on the colony, microscopic observations and biochemical characteristics. Morphological and cultural characteristics revealed that, maximum of (65.39%) isolates fit in to greenish, blue and grey colour series. Of 26 isolates, 34.60% (n = 9) isolates were allocated to the genus Saccharopolyspora, 19.23% (n = 5) isolates were assigned as genus Streptomyces and remaining isolates as Streptoverticillium (n = 4), Actinopolyspora
(n = 2), Nocardiopsis (n = 2), Microtetraspora (n = 2), Actinokineospora Methane monooxygenase (n = 1) and Dactylosprangium (n = 1). Percentage frequency of isolates is shown in (Figure 2). Present study revealed that; of the total isolates, Saccharopolyspora and Streptomyces were found to be the dominant genera belongs to the class Actinobacteria and order Actinomycetales. In this study, majority of the isolates determined aerial coiled mycelia and spores arranged in chains. Among 26 isolates, 8 genera were identified and each genus was distinguished by their spore, mycelia and aerial hyphae. Isolates were screened for their optimum growth on SCA medium, of 26 isolates; 13 isolates (50%) revealed fast growth, 9 isolates (34.6%) exhibited moderate growth and minimum of 4 isolates (15%) were determined as slow growers (Figure 3). Morphological, physiological, biochemical, cultural characteristics and utilization of carbon sources of the isolates are given in Tables 2 and 3. Of 26 actinobacterial isolates, 12 isolates produced melanin, 23 isolates displayed distinctive reverse side pigment and 6 isolates produced diffusible pigments. Figure 2 Percentage frequency of isolated actinobacteria genera.