6 Cluster analysis of macrofungal (a) and plant species (b) composition using average linkage between groups from seven plots at the Araracuara site (AR-MF mature forest, AR-1y 1 year-old, AR-18y 18 year-old, AR-23y 23 year-old, AR-30y 30 year-old, AR-42y 42 year-old, AR-PR Peña Roja) and four plots from the Amacayacu site
(AM-FPF flood plain forests/varzea, AM-MF mature forest/terra firme, AM-MFIS mature forest at Island/varzea, AM-RF regeneration forest/terra firme) One hundred and twenty eight species were found in both the AR and AM plots. Forty four species were found to occur in both regions and eight occurred in AM and Palbociclib cell line AR including AR-PR (Fig. 4). The number of fungal families was 47 in the Araracuara plots and ranged from 14 in AR-23 and AR-MF to 24 in AR-1y and AR-PR. In
AM, 34 families occurred, which is less than that of Araracuara (Table 3). The highest number of species (n = 66) occurred in the mature terra firme forest (AM-MF) and the lowest number of species (n = 50) was observed in the várzea mature forest on the island (AM-MFIS) (Table 3). Eighteen species were shared between terra firme plots (AM-MF, AM-RF; SSI = 0.338), and nine species www.selleckchem.com/products/Erlotinib-Hydrochloride.html occurred in
the forest plots on the flood plains (AM-MFIS, AM-FPF; SSI = 0.246). Fifty one species occurred in the plots occurring on flood plains (AM-FPF or AM-MFIS), but only four species (viz. Agaricus sp. 2, Auricularia fuscosuccinea, Farnesyltransferase A. delicatula and Clavaria sp. 1) were found to be shared between them. Thirty species occurred in the flood plain forest (AM-FPF) only. No species were found to be shared between the mature forest plots located in the two Amazonian regions studied. Thirty two species occurred exclusively in the two mature forests studied (viz., AM-MF and AR-MF), 28 of these were recorded in the mature forest in Amacayacu (AM-MF) and four species in the mature forest plot in Araracuara (AR-MF). Nineteen species, most of them belonging to the artificial group of aphyllophorales, occurred in the most disturbed plot (AR-1y) only. These species included Cymatoderma sclerotioides, Funalia polyzona, Hexagonia tenuis, Hydnellum sp., Lentinus strigellus, L. strigosus, L. swartzii, Podoscypha brasiliensis and Polyporoletus sublividus.