An MI resulting in cardiac death is classified
as type 3 (in the absence of available biomarker data), while types 4 and 5 are PCI- and CABG-related MI, respectively. Table 1 MI classification from the Third Universal Definition of Myocardial Infarction. Biomarkers of Cardiac Necrosis Cardiac troponins are part of the myocyte contractile apparatus and are the cardiac necrosis biomarkers of choice for diagnosing MI. Myocardial necrosis results in myocyte membrane damage and the release of myocyte-specific proteins into Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical the circulation. Cardiac-specific isoforms of cTnI and cTnT can be measured with great accuracy using commercially available assays that employ monoclonal antibodies specific to epitopes of these isoforms. These assays provide superior discrimination of myocardial injury when creatine kinase MB (CK-MB) levels are normal or minimally increased; they also impart additional prognostic information in patients who have elevated troponin levels despite normal CK-MB levels. In these patients, elevated cTn levels are associated Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical with a higher risk of recurrent cardiac events.6 Even the most cardio-specific CK-MB isoform constitutes 1–3% of the CK in skeletal muscle and is present in minor quantities in other organs (e.g., intestine, diaphragm, uterus, prostate). The Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical specificity of CK-MB is therefore impaired in the setting of major injury to these organs. Elevated levels of serum cTn
indicate myocardial necrosis Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical regardless of the underlying pathophysiology. The third global MI task force has delineated various conditions associated with myocardial necrosis2: (A) injury related to primary myocardial ischemia/infarction (plaque rupture/erosion/fissuring
with superimposed thrombus formation); (B) injury related to supply-demand ischemia imbalance (vasospasm, tachyarrhythmias, severe anemia, hypotension); (C) injury unrelated to ischemia (myocarditis, Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical cardiac contusion, cardiotoxic agents); (D) multifactorial or indeterminate injury (heart failure, renal failure, stress cardiomyopathy). A cTn level >99th percentile of the URL is considered elevated and is the cut-off level for a diagnosis of MI. This threshold value is determined for each specific assay in each laboratory and should be characterized DNA ligase by optimal precision, described by a coefficient of variation (CV) ≤10%. Blood samples for measuring cTn levels should be drawn serially: on initial assessment and 3–6 hours later, when further ischemic episodes occur, or when the timing of the initial symptoms is unclear. To establish the diagnosis of MI, a rise and/or fall in values with at least one value above the decision level is required, coupled with a strong clinical suspicion.2 The third global task force reduced the emphasis on the use of other cardiac biomarkers. Use of cTn is preferred over CK-MB, and the latter is to be used only when cTn assays are not available.