The LGN, in turn, sends its output along a projection to primary visual cortex (Area V1) via the
optic radiation. Cells in the LGN respond to small, well-defined regions of visual space that are called visual receptive or response fields (RFs), BMS-754807 in vivo much like those found in the ganglion cell layer of the retina (RGC). The typical RF can be thought of as a spatio-temporal differentiator that responds best to highly local changes in visual contrast (see Fig. 2 and discussed in Section 2 below). Changes can be either spatially or temporally expressed, with cells largely falling into one of two categories, those that respond to either focal increases (on cells) or decreases (off cells)
of luminance. There is nearly a one-to-one anatomical mapping from retina to LGN in the cat ( Hamos et al., 1987) and evidence for similarly high anatomical specificity in primates ( Conley and Fitzpatrick, 1989). In addition, there is a nearly one-to-one functional mapping in cats ( Cleland et al., 1971) and primates ( Kaplan et al., 1987, Lee et al., 1983 and Sincich et al., 2009b) from ganglion cell output to LGN cell input, so the close matching of RF characteristics between RGCs and LGN neurons is perhaps not surprising. And, like those found in RGCs, responses in LGN are adapted by luminance and contrast at a larger spatial scale than the RF. The standard conceptual framework that partitions visual receptive fields into a smaller classical receptive field (CRF) and a larger modulatory extra-classical this website receptive fields (ECRFs) was established by Hubel and Wiesel (Hubel and Wiesel,
1962, Hubel and Wiesel, 1961 and Hubel and Wiesel, 1959) a half-century ago. In this paper we will use RF to indicate the entirety of the response field in all of its aspects, CRF to indicate just the classical, small center-surround structure, and ECRF for any parts of the RF that extend beyond the CRF in either space or time, reflecting common usage in the literature. Phosphoprotein phosphatase In this paper we review recent CRF/ECRF studies of the lateral geniculate nucleus of the thalamus. The focus of this review is on the primate LGN and we will frequently cite studies in other species such as cats that serve as points of reference for work in primates. With a growing body of knowledge about RFs in the primate early visual pathway, it is now clear that the ECRF is an important part of LGN RFs in primate, and that the functional impact of the LGN ECRF may be important for subsequent processing (Webb et al., 2005 and Angelucci and Bressloff, 2006). The strength and source of the ECRF in LGN neurons is less clear — although ECRFs can be identified in RGCs, additional processing within the LGN, including feedback from cortical areas, may also be important.