It is seen that the average absorption and scattering efficiencies of a nanoshell ensemble, excited at a fixed wavelength, are functions of the four parameters: Med[R], Med[H], σ R , and σ H . This poses the problem of finding, and studying the properties of, the optimal distribution parameters for which the nanoshell ensemble exhibits the maximum absorption or scattering efficiency. Results and discussions We focus on HGNs with gold permittivity described by the size-dependent model from Ref. [9], and begin by evaluating their average absorption and scattering efficiencies inside a tissue of refractive index n=1.55. Figures 1(a) and 1(b) show these efficiencies in the parametric space of Med[R] and Med[H] for
σ R =σ H =0.5 and excitation wavelength Pifithrin-�� research buy λ=850 nm. Each dependency is seen to exhibit a distinct peak in the form of a flat plateau, which arise predominantly due to the resonant interaction of light with the localized symmetric plasmon modes of the HGNs [9]. The absorption peaks for Med[R]≈44 nm and Med[H]≈9 nm, while the scattering reaches its maximum for larger and much thicker nanoshells, with Med[R]≈54 nm and Med[H]≈26 nm. The broadness of the peaks and the associated high tolerance selleck of the nanoshell ensemble to the fabrication inaccuracies are the consequences of size distribution. Figure 1 Average
(a) absorption and (b) scattering efficiencies of an hollow-gold-nanoshell ensemble with lognormal distribution. The ensemble is excited by monochromatic light at λ=850 nm. Optimal distributions of core radius and shell thickness for maximum [(c) and (d)] absorption and [(e) and (f)] scattering efficiencies of the ensemble excited at λ=750, 850, and 950 nm. In all cases, n=1.55 and σ R =σ H =0.5. The effects of the excitation wavelength on the optimal distributions of the core radius and shell thickness are shown in Figures 1(c)– 1(f). Equal σ R and σ H (σ R =σ H =σ) correspond to the situation of similar (scalable) shapes of the two distributions. It is seen that the increase in the excitation wavelength shifts the optimal distribution f(r;μ R ,σ) towards larger radii for both absorption
[Figure Masitinib (AB1010) 1(c)] and scattering [Figure 1(e)]. This trend is opposite to the behavior of the optimal distributions f(h;μ H ,σ) in Figures 1(d) and 1(f), which shifts towards thinner shells with λ. Since the increase in Med[R] is larger than the reduction in Med[H], the optimal excitation of ensembles with larger HGNs require lower-frequency sources. The optimal geometric means of HGNs’ dimensions crucially depend on the shape of size distribution determined by the parameter σ. Figure 2 shows how the optimal distributions of R and H are transformed when σ is increased from 0.1 to 1. As expected, larger σ results in broader distributions that maximize the absorption and scattering efficiencies of the nanoshell ensemble. It also leads to the right skewness of the distributions, thus increasing the fabrication tolerance.