Many critical analyses have been published, eg, the recently published article by Tucker.10 The
current DSM and ICD process gives the image of precision and exactness. Indeed, we as psychiatrists have come to believe that we are dealing with clear and discrete disorders rather than arbitrary symptom clusters. We are now being taken at our own word by managed care companies that stipulate that if a patient’s symptoms fulfill current criteria for schizophrenia or recurrent depressive disorder, drug treatment must be given strictly according to the textbook. In fact, to quote Gary J. Tucker “at best, we are between Scylla and Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical Charybdis – we no longer want to say that each patient is a unique individual, nor can we honestly say that every case clearly fits diagnostic criteria.”10 All of this apparent precision overlooks the fact that, as yet, we have no identified etiological agents for psychiatric disorders. Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical In psychiatry, no matter how scientifically and precisely we use scales to evaluate the patient’s pathological symptoms, all Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical we are really doing is simply pattern recognition. We are still only making
an empirical diagnoses and not etiological ones based on disruptions of structure of function. After these considerations I would like to briefly consider some more optimistic perspectives that I believe could positively influence psychiatric classification and nosology in the near future. New, exciting concepts and paradigms are looming on the horizon of psychiatric classification. New intellectual frameworks for psychiatry have been introduced, for example by Kandel,11 who proposes that the genes expressed Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical in the
brain encode proteins that play important roles at specific stages of the development, maintenance, and regulation of the neural circuits that underlie behavior. Modern cognitive psychology is exploring language, perception, memory, motivation, and skilled movements in ways that are proving Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical to be stimulating, insightful, and rigorous. The recent merger of cognitive psychology with neural science, to give birth to cognitive Tipifarnib cancer neuroscience, is proving to be one of the most exciting areas in biology. Through these and others hypotheses, psychiatry is searching for a new identity and a new AV-951 nosological approach. ICD-10 and DSM-IV have offered psychiatrists worldwide consensual and more or less valid diagnostic hypotheses. But now, after years of extensive use, the time has come for a critical appraisal of both classifications. A renewed involvement of psychiatry with biology and neurology is not only scientifically important, but also epitomizes the scientific competence that should be the basis for the clinical specialty of psychiatry in the near future.