The default for BioNetGen is to calculate pseudo canonical labels that do not distinguish all isomorphic graphs but are much faster to generate selleck chemicals llc than HNauty. Then any two graphs which share pseudo canonical labels are checked for iso morphism using Ullmanns algorithm. The genera tion of pseudo canonical labels followed by applying Ullmanns algorithm to graphs with the same label always produces correct results, though it can be much slower than HNauty if a chemical species graph is composed of many isomorphic subgraphs. The HNauty code can be run as stand alone code separate from Bio NetGen. The Python version of HNauty uses the graph structures defined in the freely available package Net workX. The Perl version of HNauty takes as input the graph adjacency matrix together with an initial par tition of the vertices of a graph.
The adjacency matrix should be in the form of a dictionary of dictionaries. The keys of the first dictionary are the vertices of a graph. Each vertex i points to a second dictionary whose keys are the neighbors of vertex i in the graph. In this second dictionary, a vertex j points to an array contain ing the edge types between vertices i and j. The initial partition of the vertices should be given in the form of an array of arrays, each of the smaller arrays being a set in the partition. HNauty returns as output a permutation of the vertices of the input graph. Permuting the input graph under this per mutation gives the canonical label of the graph. Testing Both the Python and Perl versions of HNauty were exten sively checked using a database of isomorphic graphs.
The Perl version was further checked against ran domly generated graphs with two types of edge, directed and undirected. These graphs were generated using the Erd?s R��nyi model for random graphs, the edges were chosen independently with uniform probability. Edges were selected to be undirected with probability 0. 1 and directed with probability 0. 05. With probability 0. 85 an edge was not in the graph. One thousand graphs, each on two hundred nodes, were produced in this way. Each was given as input to HNauty and then a random permu tation of the vertices was applied to each graph, the result was also given as input to HNauty. A test was successful if the two isomorphic inputs resulted in the same canoni cal label. All of the tests were successful.
Discussion In the section above, we discussed the significance of our results as the results were presented. Thus, this sec tion will be brief. Anacetrapib Hierarchical graphs can be powerful visual aids in understanding complex molecular struc tures. For rule based models of cell signaling systems, hierarchical graphs provide more natural representations of proteins than the regular flat graphs of BNGL or Kappa and thus promote clarity in building and annotat ing models.