001).C. acicularis presents an isomorphic triphasic lifecycle [41], but the nonfructified thalli and the tetrasporophytes are difficult to distinguish from one another, and consequently these reproductive phases were neither not separated.M. stellatus presents a heteromorphic triphasic lifecycle with a sporophytic crust, formerly Petrocelis cruenta [45]. Only the gametophytic phase was studied. The studied population presents a predominance of nonfructified plants in winter and a predominance of female gametophytes in spring/summer (Figure 4).Figure 4Population structure of Mastocarpus stellatus in Buarcos bay.C. teedei var. lusitanicus presents an isomorphic triphasic lifecycle [31, 46]. In Buarcos bay population, the nonfructified thalli were dominant in all samples (see Figure 5); the percentage varied from 43% (early autumn) to 82.
5% (early summer). The female gametophytes were present in all samples, varying the proportion of 3% (late autumn) to 29% (late summer). The tetrasporophytes were also present in all samples, with a maximum of 32.5% in autumn and a minimum of 4% in summer. As compared to fructified thalli, namely, the female gametophytes bearing cystocarps (9.6 �� 1.7%, n = 17), the tetrasporophytes are, generally, more abundant (21 �� 1.7%, n = 17). The average percentage of nonfructified thalli was 69.4��2.2% (n = 17). The data on seasonal variation in the percentage of individuals of each generation have statistical significance (one-way ANOVA, P < 0.001).Figure 5Population structure of Chondracanthus teedei var. lusitanicus in Buarcos bay.C.
jubata shows an isomorphic triphasic lifecycle [47], and the nonfructified plants were dominant in all samples, except in a summer sample (August); the percentage varied from 28.6% (summer) to 100.0% (autumn and early winter) (Figure 6). The female gametophytes were present in 11 of 13 samples, varying the proportion of 2.4% (late winter) to 71.4% (summer). The tetrasporophytes were present in 4 of 13 samples, with a maximum of 17.3% in spring and a minimum of 5.3% in winter. Comparing the fructified plants, particularly female gametophytes (20.3 �� 5.3%, n = 13), tetrasporophytes are always less abundant (11.3 �� 1.5%, n = 13). The average percentage of nonfructified thalli was 20.8 �� 5.6% (n = 13). The data on seasonal variation in the percentage of individuals of each generation have statistical significance (one-way ANOVA, P < 0.
001).Figure 6Population Brefeldin_A structure of Calliblepharis jubata in Buarcos bay.The female gametophytes of G. crenulatus (species with a digenetic lifecycle) present reproductive structures known as tetrasporoblasts [46, 48, 49]; these structures appear as external wart-like excrescences. All the collected thalli showed tetrasporoblasts. A. devoniensis presents a heteromorphic triphasic lifecycle with crustose tetrasporophytes [46, 50]. Only the gametophytic phase was studied.