The authors of the study, however, concluded that one could infer a genetic WP1130 Jewish priestly line dating back to the Biblical Aaron.45 Other bases for differentiation could be chosen as well, including girth. For better but often for worse, people will often draw conclusions that go well beyond the data, as when they take a correlation to imply causation or when they Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical construe a genetic variation as having implications for a line of Jewish priests. There may indeed be a causal link, but there is no current genetic
evidence to support it. Some have argued that the environmental challenges faced by peoples who migrated to Northern climates were greater than those faced by people who remained in Southern climates, and that this difference in challenges might have led to higher intelligence of those who went northward.46
However, others might argue the reverse. A serious challenge of tropical climates is combating tropical diseases in order to survive; the challenges of fighting such diseases are greater in the tropics than they are further North. Indeed, Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical children in some southern Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical regions acquire from an early age specialized knowledge, not acquired further north, of natural herbal medicines that can be used to combat tropical illnesses.47 To the extent that warmer climates encourage greater aggression,48 learning how to compete successfully so as to survive in such more aggressive environments also might promote intellectual development. The point is not that Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical people in warmer climates did indeed develop higher levels of intelligence, but rather, that one could create speculative arguments supporting greater intellectual growth in such climates, as has been done to support the notion that there was greater intellectual
growth as a result of challenges up north. Post hoc evolutionary arguments made in the absence of fossils at times can have the character of “just so” stories created to support, in retrospect, whatever Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical point one might wish to make about present-day people. Differences in socially constructed races derive in large part from geographic dispersions that occurred in the distant past, beginning roughly 100 Dipeptidyl peptidase 000 years ago but continuing until roughly 3000 years ago in some areas. Observable skin color, a consequence of such dispersions, correlates well with many people’s folk taxonomies, but only poorly with actual genetic differences. For example, the amount of genetic variation in Africa is enormous—much greater than in the rest of the world.49 In contrast, the amount of phenotypic variation (difference in appearance) in Africa is comparable but no greater than in the rest of the world. The phenotypic differences are nevertheless worthy of note. As an example, in Africa, one can find both very tall Masai and very short Pygmies. The latter probably gained an adaptive advantage as a result of their shortness for movement through dense vegetation in forests.