3 ± 5.7 (range, 19.0–52.0) years (Figure 2, C), and the mean gestational age was 13.3 ± 4.1 (range, 9.0–38.0) weeks (Figure 2, D). While the majority of NIPT samples were from women at early gestational ages, samples were received up to 40 weeks’ gestation (Figure 3); 2% (658/30,795) of samples were from women in their third trimester. Karyotype or ultrasound confirmation (karyotype for singleton pregnancies,
ultrasound for multifetal pregnancies) was available for 76 (58.5%) of the 130 cases identified with additional parental haplotypes. This included 32 (42.1%) vanishing twin, 37 (48.7%) viable twin, 4 (5.3%) triploid pregnancies, and 3 (3.9%) nontriploid pregnancies that lacked evidence of co-twin demise (Table 1). For the 3 nontriploid pregnancies, 2 had euploid karyotypes, and 1 was shown to be a trisomy 18 fetus (Appendix; Supplementary Z-VAD-FMK ic50 Table). Vanishing twin cases had a significantly higher median maternal age than twin cases, 37.5 and 33.0 years, respectively (P < .001). The median gestational age was slightly lower in vanishing twin cases than in twin cases, 12.1 and 13.0 weeks, respectively (P = .018). There was no significant difference
(P = .686) between the average fetal fraction of vanished twin (11.0 ± 3.8%) and twin (11.4 PD0332991 ic50 ± 4.3%) pregnancies. Of the 32 vanishing twin cases, 25 (78.1%) were in the first trimester and 7 (21.9%) were in the second trimester at the time of NIPT sampling. Five cases reported an estimated date of fetal demise: demise occurred in the first trimester in all 5 cases ( Figure 3). The time between demise and NIPT sampling ranged from 2-8 weeks ( Table 2). All triploidy cases in this cohort were determined no to be diandric (Table 3), indicating that in each case the additional fetal haplotype was paternal in origin. Fetal sex was determined for all triploidy cases by analysis of fetal sex chromosome copy numbers; the fetal karyotype matched the fetal sex determined by NIPT for all 3 triploidy cases where karyotype
specifics were communicated during follow-up (Table 3). For triploidy cases 1, 2, and 4 detailed in Table 3, the pregnancies spontaneously aborted and karyotype confirmation was obtained from the POC; during clinical follow-up, 2 of these cases were reported as partial mole pregnancies. For triploidy cases 3 and 5 (Table 3), clinical evaluation identified large placentas and oligohydramnios in both cases. This SNP-based NIPT approach identified previously undetected twin and triploid pregnancies in women undergoing routine prenatal screening. This method was previously validated for detecting fetal trisomy 21, trisomy 18, trisomy 13, monosomy X, and sex chromosome trisomies in singleton pregnancies, as well as additional fetal haplotypes indicating twin or triploid pregnancies.