We evaluated the damages in the brain and demonstrated that the expression of IL-6, IL-6R and GFAP, a marker
for activated glial cells during brain inflammation, as well as cleaved caspase 3, a marker for apoptosis, was significantly up-regulated in UUO/LPS mice compared to other 3 groups. Induction of GFAP was further confirmed by immunostaining. To analyze the molecular mechanism for kidney-brain crosstalk, we evaluated the expression of neuroprotective factors and found that EGF was significantly decreased in both kidneys in UUO/LPS mice compared to other 3 groups. Furthermore, we confirmed the EGFR phosphorylation in the brain of UUO/LPS mice was decreased significantly. Conclusion: Existence of fibrotic kidneys during sepsis aggravates brain injury, possibly due to the reduced expression of EGF in the kidneys. EGFR mediated signaling in brain may be important to maintain the brain condition. BAGAI SAHIL, PRAKASH ANUPAM, AGRAWAL APARNA Lady MAPK Inhibitor Library cell line Hardinge Medical College and Associated Hospitals, New Delhi, India Introduction: Acute Kidney Injury (AKI) emphasizes that a small transient decrements in kidney function are associated with severe adverse outcomes. Important consequences of AKI are progression of pre-existing chronic kidney disease Akt inhibitor (CKD) and even development of end-stage renal disease (ESRD). Aims and Objectives: To determine the proportion of patients who have
AKI; identify different stages of AKI using RIFLE criteria and to identify associated factors with AKI. Methods: It is a descriptive study carried out in the Department of Medicine of Lady Hardinge Medical College and associated hospitals wherein 1000 patients presenting to medical wards were screened
for AKI and staged using RIFLE criteria. All patients underwent detailed history, examination and routine investigations on admission day (day 0) in Emergency. Patients with diagnosed medical renal disease and obstructive uropathy were excluded from the study. The serum creatinine of all patients was followed on day 0, 3, 7 and 14. AKI cases with ≤ 10% variation in creatinine Carnitine dehydrogenase values were considered to be undiagnosed CKD and were also excluded. AKI cases were then followed at 4 weeks and 3 months to look for residual renal disease. Results: 1000 patients (427 male, 573 female) were screened, 935 Non-AKI (395 males, 540 females) and 65 were AKI (32 males, 33 females); (p = .271). The 65 AKI cases were staged using RIFLE criteria- 27 (41.5%) were in stage 1, 15 (23.0%) in stage 2 and 23 (35.38%) in stage 3. Amongst risk, injury and failure there was incremental risk of mortality (25.92%, 46.33% and 86.95%; p < 0.001). Aetiologies like pneumonia (p < 0.001), chronic liver disease (p < 0.001) and diarrhea (p = 0.022) were commoner in AKI group. Smoking (p = 0.046), alcoholism (p = 0.020), hypotension (p < 0.001) and leucocytosis (p < 0.001) were more observed with AKI. Hypotension (p < 0.001), leucocytosis (p < 0.