Figure 5 Grand-averaged source strength waveforms for cortical sources in somatosensory evoked fields (SEFs). From top to bottom panels, solid line represents averaged waveforms for s3b, s1/4, s5, sSIIi, and sSIIc across subjects are shown, whereas the thin lines … Spatial relationship of sources for MRCFs and SEFs The anatomical locations of sources for MRCFs and SEFs were transformed to a common coordinate system relative to the location of area 3b sources (s3b). Figure Figure66 shows this comparison in three orthogonal Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical planes. First, the location was Y-27632 concentration compared among three SEF sources, s3b, s1/4, and s5. As shown in Figure Figure6B,6B, they were arranged
medioposteriorly in this order in the postcentral region, and could be separated statistically in at least one coordinate in the comparisons of s3b and s5, or of s1/4 and s5 Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical (Table (Table1).1). Next, the location was compared between SEF and MRCF sources. All the MRCF sources’ locations were statistically distinct from those for s3b and s5, whereas all components for MRCFs did not differ Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical significantly from s1/4 in all axes (Table (Table1).1). The latter finding suggests that the source locations
of s1/4 and four components of MRCF are nearly consistent in 3D coordinates, as can be seen in Figure Figure6A6A and B. This might be contrasted with the significant separations between s3b and each of the MRCF sources in the x-axis or those between s5 and MRCF sources in the y-axis, respectively (Table
(Table1).1). The same statistical analysis was repeated by defining the spatial position of MF as the origin in 3D MEG coordinates. A similar tendency for the spatial relationships among positions of s3b, s1/4, s5, and all Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical sources of MRCFs was reconfirmed (data not shown). Table 1 Difference in 3D location among components of MRCFs and SEFs Figure 6 Simultaneous representation for spatial locations and orientations of four independent sources in somatosensory evoked fields (SEFs) and smf in MRCFs. (A) Plots for locations of all sources in SEFs (i.e., Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical s1/4, s5, sSIIi, and sSIIc) and of smf are presented … Figure Figure6B6B illustrates the comparison of source orientations among smf, s3b, s1/4, and s5 in three orthogonal planes. Results of the same comparison of orientations of all sources in the MRCFs and those in the SEFs are summarized in Table Table2.2. MycoClean Mycoplasma Removal Kit As shown in Figure Figure6B,6B, s3b shows a quite similar orientation to those of smf in all planes. Thus, it can be said that the s3b and smf sources are similar in orientation but different in location (see Table Table1),1), which is well explained by two groups of neurons in the postcentral and precentral gyri, respectively. In contrast, s1/4 was localized in nearly the same position for all sources of MRCFs (Fig. (Fig.6A)6A) (see Table Table1)1) with an apparent discrepancy in orientation in the horizontal and sagittal planes (Table (Table2).2).